Friday, September 18, 2009

Sleepy Time

Ending the day. It seems like it should be a slow motion movement toward sleep. One slows down maybe has a cup of tea. You spend time catching up with personal friends on email or FB. Maybe read the day's mail or what's left of the morning paper. Then there is the self-care that happens. Maybe a book or some other reading. And then you make your way to bed. Seems so peaceful and relaxing.

At least it was before children! When do the evenings become relaxing again? Do I need to wait until they are teens or when they move out? Because clearly it isn't a quiet process around here with my two girls! It seems that getting ready for bed is also the perfect time to dance on the bathroom step stool and fall off nearly every night. It is also the time to pretend to brush your teeth but really just chew on the tooth brush. It is also a great time to test how fast you can run down the hall. And best of all it is to see if you can find every one of your mom's "buttons" and push them in a painful and repetitive manner!

Do they speak in code to each other? "Let's see how long until she cracks?" Is it a hard-wired sibling communication skill like ESP? "Hey, first you do this then I'll do that." "Ha-ha, that will really get her strung out!"

Maybe I am too eager to put them to bed so that I can enjoy the relaxing evening I described above while I still have a little energy left for myself! Guess I will get started on my second cup of tea so I can relax and fall asleep.

Until next time, B

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